One of the dresses I got was this lace 60s one (err..I actually already have a really similar one). It had a couple of little stains on it and there was some fading on the shoulders but I was convinced I could do something about that.
I bought some Dylon dye in a colour called Ocean Blue. I've always found using dye a bit hit or miss. Sometimes it turns out great, sometimes you end up ruining whatever you were dyeing. I decided to take the chance with this dress though.
I'm really happy with the way it turned out. The stains and fading are unoticeable now and the colour is really bright. I did manage to momentarily dye my thumb blue because I didn't realise there was a hole in one of the gloves I was using. It washed off after a day or so.
I got this crochet purse from an op shop a while ago. It was in good condition apart from some dark stains around the top. After my success with the dress I decided to try dyeing it. I used black but it turned out more of a navy blue colour. The stains are gone though.
There aren't many occasions which call for the wearing of lace cocktail dresses in my life so I'll probably just wear it for everyday wear. I mean, it's always cocktail hour somewhere in the world, right?